

May 25, 2024

Statesboro Fire Dept., city salute 12 firefighters for lifesaving action

Twelve firefighting professionals from the Statesboro Fire Department who successfully extinguished a house fire and rescued a man from the smoke and flames were awarded the department’s Unit Citation, and three with a direct role in the lifesaving action also received Medals of Valor during the Aug. 1 City Council meeting.

At 11:29 p.m. on June 2, the Fire Department was dispatched to a house on Lindberg Street.

“Within four minutes of receiving the alarm, the first arriving Statesboro Fire Department units found the single-story house with moderate to heavy smoke coming from the structure,” Fire Chief Tim Grams narrated to the mayor and council. “Firefighting crews initiated fire suppression operations as well as conducted a primary search for possible victims.

“Within minutes of arriving on the scene, Statesboro firefighters were able to confine and extinguish the fire, as well as locate and successfully remove Mr. John Oglesby from the building,” Grams continued.

The Bulloch County Emergency Medical Service, he noted, then treated Oglesby and transported him to the hospital. Information posted on the Fire Department’s social media stated that “the victim,” not named there but identified by Grams, was unconscious when found and that SFD personnel administered aid until he was handed over to the EMS.

Before presenting the awards to the department’s firefighters, Grams said he also wanted to thank one other individual. The June 2 fire on Lindberg Street was reported by a passing citizen.

“I would like to take just a moment to express our gratitude to the good Samaritan who promptly called 911 to report this fire,” he said. “Without their responsible and deliberate action, the outcome of this incident could have been vastly different.”

Unit Citation

The Unit Citation, Grams noted, is awarded to any group of two or more Statesboro Fire Department members who make up “a company, shift, sector, team or work group that performed in an outstanding manner, worthy of recognition.” The award is recommended by a superior officer within the department and approved by the fire chief after a formal review of the unit’s actions.

With the city’s elected officials watching, the Unit Citation was awarded to Capt. Rabon Hutchinson, who was acting battalion chief on the June 2 call; Lt. Spencer Rowe; Lt. Jason Barrs; F.A.O. (Fire Apparatus Operator) Ben Adams; F.A.O. Spencer Johnson; F.A.O. Ryan Marrow; F.A.O. Casey Perkins; F.A.O. Justin Eaton; Firefighter Valiant Lyte: Firefighter Bradley Scott; Firefighter Bradley Sapp; and Firefighter Hunter Swinford.

Mayor Jonathan McCollar joined Grams in presenting Unit Citation plaques to all 12 firefighters while council members and the audience applauded.

Medals of Valor

“In addition to this group being recognized for their outstanding performance, there are three individuals whose actions directly affected the outcome of this incident,” Grams said. “The Statesboro Medal of Valor is award to a member who under extreme conditions in which life safety is a great risk performs in an outstanding manner worthy of recognition.”

After calling it “one of the most prestigious honors awarded to Statesboro Fire Department members,” he and the mayor presented the Medal of Valor to F.A.O. Spencer Johnson, F.A.O. Ryan Marrow and Firefighter Valiant Lyte.

“The manner in which all 12 of these men performed their duties that night embodies the professionalism, dedication and character that the Statesboro Fire Department expects in all of its members,” Grams said.

Grams concluded by saying he was pleased to report that Oglesby had been released from the hospital and is now residing in the Atlanta area near family.

“Thank you again for the hard work that our Fire Department has done and the courage that they have displayed,” Mayor McCollar said. “In Statesboro we’re extremely fortunate to have a hardworking team like this.”